apysc documentation

Welcome to apysc documentation! apysc is a Python front-end library (currently developing and only works partially).

Quick start guide

Container classes

The Stage is the apysc overall drawing area container, and the Sprite is the container class.


The HTML and JavaScript exporting interfaces.

apysc basic data classes

Int and Number classes

String class

Boolean class and constants

Array class

Dictionary class

Color class and constants

DisplayObject and GraphicsBase classes

The DisplayObject class is the base class for each display object. The GraphicsBase class is the DisplayObject subclass and the base class of each graphic class, such as the Rectangle class.

Each graphic class

Graphics class

The Graphics class handles each vector graphics drawing.


SVG text

Common event interfaces

MouseEvent class and mouse event binding

Branch instruction


Timer and enter-frame

DateTime class

TimeDelta class



Other manipulation interfaces

