Int and Number classes

This page explains the Int and Number classes.

Before reading on, maybe it is helpful to read the following page:

Int class

The Int class is the apysc integer type. It can accept numeric values at the constructor, as follows:

import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
assert int_1 == 10
import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
int_2: ap.Int = ap.Int(int_1)
import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
int_2: ap.Int = ap.Int(int_1)
int_2 += 15
assert int_2 == 25

If you specify a float value to the constructor argument, then the Int class floor a value:

import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(10.5)
assert int_1 == 10

Number class

The Number class is the apysc float type. It can accept numeric values at the constructor, the same as Int:

import apysc as ap

number_1: ap.Number = ap.Number(10.5)
assert number_1 == 10.5

number_2: ap.Number = ap.Number(number_1)
number_2 += 10.5
assert number_2 == 21

Note for the Float class alias

The Float class is the alias of the Number class. It behaves the same as the Number class. Maybe a Python developer is familiar with its name rather than the Number. On the other hand, the Number is more common in JavaScript than the Float.

import apysc as ap

assert ap.Number == ap.Float
assert ap.Number(10.5) == ap.Float(10.5)

Int and Number classes basic interfaces

The Int and Number classes have the same interfaces. For more details, please see:

Int class constructor API

Note: the document build script generates and updates this API document section automatically. Maybe this section is duplicated compared with previous sections.

[Interface signature] __init__(self, value: Union[int, float, apysc._type.number_value_mixin.NumberValueMixIn], *, variable_name_suffix: str = '', skip_init_substitution_expression_appending: bool = False) -> None

[Interface summary]

Integer class for apysc library.


  • value: int or float or Int or Number

    • Initial integer value. If the float or Number value is specified, this class casts it to an integer.

  • variable_name_suffix: str, default “”

    • A JavaScript variable name suffix string. This setting is sometimes useful for JavaScript debugging.

  • skip_init_substitution_expression_appending: bool, default False

    • A boolean indicates whether to skip an initial substitution expression or not. This class uses this option internally.


>>> import apysc as ap
>>> _ = ap.Stage()
>>> int_val: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
>>> int_val

>>> int_val == 10

>>> int_val == ap.Int(10)

>>> int_val >= 10

>>> int_val += 10
>>> int_val

>>> int_val = ap.Int(10.5)
>>> int_val


Number class constructor API

Note: the document build script generates and updates this API document section automatically. Maybe this section is duplicated compared with previous sections.

[Interface signature] __init__(self, value: Union[int, float, apysc._type.number_value_mixin.NumberValueMixIn], *, variable_name_suffix: str = '', skip_init_substitution_expression_appending: bool = False) -> None

[Interface summary]

Floating point number class for apysc library.


  • value: int or float or Int or Number

    • Initial floating point number value. This class casts it to float if you specify int or Int value.

  • variable_name_suffix: str, default “”

    • A JavaScript variable name suffix string. This setting is sometimes useful for JavaScript debugging.

  • skip_init_substitution_expression_appending: bool, default False

    • A boolean indicates whether to skip an initial substitution expression or not. This class uses this option internally.


The Float class is the alias of the Number, and it behaves the same as the Number class.


>>> import apysc as ap
>>> _ = ap.Stage()
>>> number: ap.Number = ap.Number(10.5)
>>> number

>>> number == 10.5

>>> number == ap.Number(10.5)

>>> number >= 10.5

>>> number += 10.3
>>> number


value property API

Note: the document build script generates and updates this API document section automatically. Maybe this section is duplicated compared with previous sections.

[Interface summary]

Get a current number value.


  • value: int or float

    • Current number value.


>>> import apysc as ap
>>> _ = ap.Stage()
>>> int_val: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
>>> int_val.value

>>> int_val.value = 20
>>> int_val.value

>>> int_val.value = ap.Int(30)
>>> int_val.value
