Int and Number basic comparison operations

This page explains basic comparison operations of the Int and Number classes, like the >=, <.

Common behaviors

Each comparison operation returns a Boolean value, not a Python built-in bool value:

import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
result: ap.Boolean = int_1 == 10
assert isinstance(result, ap.Boolean)

You can compare the Int or Number values with the Python built-in values, like the int or float:

import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(20)
result: ap.Boolean = int_1 == 20
assert result
import apysc as ap

number_1: ap.Number = ap.Number(10.5)
result: ap.Boolean = number_1 == 10.5
assert result

Also, the comparison between the Int and Int, Number and Number, Int and Number are supported:

import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
int_2: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
result: ap.Boolean = int_1 == int_2
assert result
import apysc as ap

number_1: ap.Number = ap.Number(10.5)
number_2: ap.Number = ap.Number(10.5)
result: ap.Boolean = number_1 == number_2
assert result
import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
number_1: ap.Number = ap.Number(10)
result: ap.Boolean = int_1 == number_1
assert result

Equal comparison operator

You can use the == operator for the equal comparison:

import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
result: ap.Boolean = int_1 == 10
assert result

Not equal comparison operator

You can use the != operator for the not equal comparison:

import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
result: ap.Boolean = int_1 != 15
assert result

Less than comparison operator

You can use the < operator for the less than comparison:

import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
result: ap.Boolean = int_1 < 11
assert result

Less than or equal comparison operator

You can use the <= operator for the less than or equal comparison:

import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
result: ap.Boolean = int_1 <= 10
assert result

Greater than comparison operator

You can use the > operator for the greater than comparison:

import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
result: ap.Boolean = int_1 > 9
assert result

Greater than or equal comparison operator

You can use the >= operator for the greater than or equal comparison:

import apysc as ap

int_1: ap.Int = ap.Int(10)
result: ap.Boolean = int_1 >= 10
assert result