Array class sort interface

This page explains the Array class sort method interface.

What interface is this?

The sort method interface sorts an array’s values (default is ascending order).

Basic usage

The sort method requires no arguments and sorts values ascending in place (no return value).

import apysc as ap

arr: ap.Array[int] = ap.Array([5, 1, 3])
assert arr == [1, 3, 5]

If you specify False to the ascending option, a result value becomes descending order.

import apysc as ap

arr: ap.Array[int] = ap.Array([5, 1, 3])
assert arr == [5, 3, 1]

See also

sort API

Note: the document build script generates and updates this API document section automatically. Maybe this section is duplicated compared with previous sections.

[Interface signature] sort(self, *, ascending: bool = True) -> None

[Interface summary]

Sort this array in place.


  • ascending: bool, default True

    • Sort by ascending or not. If False is specified, this interface sorts values descending.


>>> import apysc as ap
>>> _ = ap.Stage()
>>> arr: ap.Array = ap.Array([3, 5, 1, 4, 2])
>>> arr.sort()
>>> arr
Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

>>> arr.sort(ascending=False)
>>> arr
Array([5, 4, 3, 2, 1])