assert_dicts_equal and assert_dicts_not_equal interfaces

This page explains the assert_dicts_equal and assert_dicts_not_equal function interfaces.

What interfaces are these?

The assert_dicts_equal function interface asserts specified two dictionaries (dict or Dictionary type value) are equal. Conversely, the assert_dicts_not_equal function interface asserts specified two dictionaries are not equal.

See also

Basic usage

Both of the assert_dicts_equal and assert_dicts_not_equal interfaces require the left and right arguments. The msg argument is optional.

You can specify a Python built-in dict and Dictionary values to these arguments.

The following example (assert_dicts_equal and values are equal) passes:

import apysc as ap

stage: ap.Stage = ap.Stage(

dict_val: ap.Dictionary = ap.Dictionary({"a": 10, "b": 20})
    left={"a": 10, "b": 20}, right=dict_val, msg="Values are not equal!"

Left value: {a: 10, b: 20} right value: dct_1

The following example (assert_dicts_equal and values are not equal) fails:

import apysc as ap

stage: ap.Stage = ap.Stage(

dict_val: ap.Dictionary = ap.Dictionary({"a": 10, "b": 20})
ap.assert_dicts_equal(left={"a": 30}, right=dict_val, msg="Values are not equal!")

Left value: {a: 30} right value: dct_1
Assertion failed: Values are not equal!

The following example (assert_dicts_not_equal and values are not equal) passes:

import apysc as ap

stage: ap.Stage = ap.Stage(

dict_val: ap.Dictionary = ap.Dictionary({"a": 10, "b": 20})
ap.assert_dicts_not_equal(left={"a": 30}, right=dict_val, msg="Values are equal!")

Left value: {a: 30} right value: dct_1

Notes for the assert_equal and assert_not_equal interfaces

If a Dictionary value is specified to the assert_equal or assert_not_equal interface’s argument value, then the assert_dicts_equal or assert_dicts_not_equal interfaces will be called instead of the assert_equal or assert_not_equal interfaces automatically.

import apysc as ap

stage: ap.Stage = ap.Stage(

dict_val: ap.Dictionary = ap.Dictionary({"a": 30})
ap.assert_equal(left={"a": 30}, right=dict_val, msg="Values are not equal!")

Left value: {a: 30} right value: dct_1

assert_dicts_equal API

Note: the document build script generates and updates this API document section automatically. Maybe this section is duplicated compared with previous sections.

[Interface signature] assert_dicts_equal(left: Any, right: Any, *, msg: str = '', outer_frames_index_adjustment: int = 0) -> None

[Interface summary]

JavaScript assertion interface for the Dictionary values equal condition.


  • left: *

    • Left-side value to compare.

  • right: *

    • Right-side value to compare.

  • msg: str, optional

    • Message to display when assertion failed.

  • outer_frames_index_adjustment: int, optional

    • The trace’s outer frames index adjustment setting. This function uses this argument to adjust the caller’s information. Also, this function only uses this argument in internal logic.


This interface is used instead of assert_equal for Dictionary class comparison (JavaScript can not compare dictionary (Object) directly, like a Python, for example, {"a": 10} === {"a": 10} becomes false).


>>> import apysc as ap
>>> dict_1: ap.Dictionary = ap.Dictionary({"a": 10})
>>> dict_2: ap.Dictionary = ap.Dictionary({"a": 10})
>>> ap.assert_dicts_equal(dict_1, dict_2)

assert_dicts_not_equal API

Note: the document build script generates and updates this API document section automatically. Maybe this section is duplicated compared with previous sections.

[Interface signature] assert_dicts_not_equal(left: Any, right: Any, *, msg: str = '', outer_frames_index_adjustment: int = 0) -> None

[Interface summary]

JavaScript assertion interface for the Dictionary values not equal condition.


  • left: *

    • Left-side value to compare.

  • right: *

    • Right-side value to compare.

  • msg: str, optional

    • Message to display when assertion failed.

  • outer_frames_index_adjustment: int, optional

    • The trace’s outer frames index adjustment setting. This function uses this argument to adjust the caller’s information. Also, this function only uses this argument in internal logic.


This interface is used instead of assert_not_equal for Dictionary class comparison (JavaScript can not compare dictionary (Object) directly, like a Python, for example, {"a": 10} !== {"a": 10} becomes true).


>>> import apysc as ap
>>> dict_1: ap.Dictionary = ap.Dictionary({"a": 10})
>>> dict_2: ap.Dictionary = ap.Dictionary({"a": 20})
>>> ap.assert_dicts_not_equal(dict_1, dict_2)