String class split interface

This page explains the String class split method interface.

What interface is this?

The split method interface splits a string into an Array instance of Strings.

Basic usage

The split method requires the sep String argument as a separator.

import apysc as ap


str_value: ap.String = ap.String("Lorem ipsum dolor sit")
splitted_strs: ap.Array[ap.String] = str_value.split(sep=ap.String(" "))
ap.assert_arrays_equal(splitted_strs, ["Lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit"])


split API

Note: the document build script generates and updates this API document section automatically. Maybe this section is duplicated compared with previous sections.

[Interface signature] split(self, *, sep: 'String') -> 'Array[String]'

[Interface summary]

Split a current string with a separator string.


  • sep: String

    • A separator string.


  • splitted_strs: Array[String]

    • A splitted strings’ array.


>>> import apysc as ap
>>> _ = ap.Stage()
>>> str_value: ap.String = ap.String("Lorem ipsum dolor sit")
>>> splitted_strs: ap.Array[ap.String] = str_value.split(sep=ap.String(" "))
>>> ap.assert_arrays_equal(splitted_strs, ["Lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit"])