Timer class

This page explains the Timer class.

What is the Timer?

The Timer class handles the timer’s tick. You can call a handler at any interval by it.

Basic usage

The Timer class requires arguments for the handler and delay (timer interval in milliseconds). And the start method starts that timer. A timer passes the TimerEvent instance and options arguments to a specified handler.

The following code sets the Timer when clicking the rectangle (Sprite):

from typing_extensions import TypedDict

import apysc as ap

class _RectOptions(TypedDict):
    rectangle: ap.Rectangle

def on_sprite_click(e: ap.MouseEvent[ap.Sprite], options: _RectOptions) -> None:
    The Handler that the rectangle calls when clicked.

    e : MouseEvent
        Event instance.
    options : dict
        Optional arguments dictionary.
    timer: ap.Timer = ap.Timer(on_timer, delay=16.6, options=options)

def on_timer(e: ap.TimerEvent, options: _RectOptions) -> None:
    The Handler a timer calls.

    e : TimerEvent
        Event instance.
    options : dict
        Optional arguments dictionary.
    rectangle: ap.Rectangle = options["rectangle"]
    rectangle.x += 1

sprite: ap.Sprite = ap.Sprite()
rectangle: ap.Rectangle = sprite.graphics.draw_rect(x=50, y=50, width=50, height=50)
options: _RectOptions = {"rectangle": rectangle}
sprite.click(on_sprite_click, options=options)


If you click the rectangle, the timer starts, and the Handler increases the rectangle x value.

See also

Timer constructor API

Note: the document build script generates and updates this API document section automatically. Maybe this section is duplicated compared with previous sections.

[Interface signature] __init__(self, handler: Callable[[ForwardRef('TimerEvent'), ~_ConstructorOptions], NoneType], *, delay: Union[int, float, apysc._type.number_value_mixin.NumberValueMixIn, apysc._time.fps.FPS], repeat_count: Union[int, apysc._type.int.Int] = 0, options: Union[~_ConstructorOptions, NoneType] = None) -> None

[Interface summary]

Timer class to handle function calling at regular intervals.


  • handler: _Handler

    • A handler would be called at regular intervals.

  • delay: Int or int or Number or float or FPS

    • A delay between each Handler calling in a millisecond or FPS value. If an FPS value is specified, this value becomes a millisecond calculated with that FPS value (e.g., if the FPS_60 value is specified, then delay becomes 16.6666667).

  • repeat_count: Int or int

    • Max count of a Handler’s calling. A timer stops if the Handler’s calling count has reached this value. If 0 is specified, then a timer loops forever.

  • options: dict or None, default None

    • Optional arguments dictionary to pass a Handler callable.


>>> from typing_extensions import TypedDict
>>> import apysc as ap
>>> _ = ap.Stage()
>>> class RectOptions(TypedDict):
...     rectangle: ap.Rectangle
>>> def on_timer(e: ap.TimerEvent, options: RectOptions) -> None:
...     rectangle: ap.Rectangle = options["rectangle"]
...     rectangle.x += 1
>>> stage: ap.Stage = ap.Stage()
>>> sprite: ap.Sprite = ap.Sprite()
>>> sprite.graphics.begin_fill(color=ap.Color("#0af"))
>>> rectangle: ap.Rectangle = sprite.graphics.draw_rect(
...     x=50, y=50, width=50, height=50
... )
>>> options: RectOptions = {"rectangle": rectangle}
>>> _ = ap.Timer(on_timer, delay=ap.FPS.FPS_60, options=options).start()
