TimeDelta class total_seconds interface

This page explains the TimeDelta class’s total_seconds method interface.

What interface is this?

The total_seconds method returns the number of total seconds between two DateTime instances.

Basic usage

The total_seconds method returns the apysc’s Number value.

If any DateTime instances have a millisecond value, this interface sets a fraction value.

import apysc as ap

datetime_1: ap.DateTime = ap.DateTime(2022, 12, 7, millisecond=100)
datetime_2: ap.DateTime = ap.DateTime(2022, 12, 5)
timedelta_: ap.TimeDelta = datetime_1 - datetime_2
total_seconds: ap.Number = timedelta_.total_seconds()
assert total_seconds == 60 * 60 * 24 * 2 + 0.1

total_seconds method API

Note: the document build script generates and updates this API document section automatically. Maybe this section is duplicated compared with previous sections.

[Interface signature] total_seconds(self) -> apysc._type.number.Number

[Interface summary]

Get the total seconds in the duration.


  • total_seconds: Number

    • Total seconds in the duration.


>>> import apysc as ap
>>> _ = ap.Stage()
>>> datetime_1: ap.DateTime = ap.DateTime(2022, 12, 7)
>>> datetime_2: ap.DateTime = ap.DateTime(2022, 12, 6)
>>> timedelta_: ap.TimeDelta = datetime_1 - datetime_2
>>> timedelta_.total_seconds()
