DisplayObject class visible interface

This page explains the DisplayObject class visible property interface.

What interface is this?

The visible property interface will change the DisplayObject visible / invisible state.

Basic usage

The visible property accepts a Boolean value. If you set the True value, a DisplayObject instance becomes visible (default). Conversely, if you set the False value, a DisplayObject instance becomes invisible.

The following example switches the visible values when you click the rectangle. For example, suppose you click the left rectangle (the rectangle_1). In that case, the left rectangle becomes invisible, and the right rectangle (rectangle_2) becomes visible.

from typing_extensions import TypedDict

import apysc as ap

class _RectOptions(TypedDict):
    rectangle: ap.Rectangle

def on_rectangle_1_click(e: ap.MouseEvent[ap.Rectangle], options: _RectOptions) -> None:
    The handler that the first rectangle calls when clicked.

    e : MouseEvent
        Event instance.
    options : dict
        Optional arguments dictionary.
    rectangle_1: ap.Rectangle = e.this
    rectangle_2: ap.Rectangle = options["rectangle"]
    rectangle_1.visible = ap.Boolean(False)
    rectangle_2.visible = ap.Boolean(True)

def on_rectangle_2_click(e: ap.MouseEvent[ap.Rectangle], options: _RectOptions) -> None:
    The handler that the second rectangle calls when clicked.

    e : MouseEvent
        Event instance.
    options : dict
        Optional arguments dictionary.
    rectangle_1: ap.Rectangle = options["rectangle"]
    rectangle_2: ap.Rectangle = e.this
    rectangle_1.visible = ap.Boolean(True)
    rectangle_2.visible = ap.Boolean(False)


sprite: ap.Sprite = ap.Sprite()

rectangle_1: ap.Rectangle = sprite.graphics.draw_rect(x=50, y=50, width=50, height=50)

rectangle_2: ap.Rectangle = sprite.graphics.draw_rect(x=150, y=50, width=50, height=50)
rectangle_2.visible = ap.Boolean(False)

options: _RectOptions = {"rectangle": rectangle_2}
rectangle_1.click(on_rectangle_1_click, options=options)
options = {"rectangle": rectangle_1}
rectangle_2.click(on_rectangle_2_click, options=options)


visible property API

Note: the document build script generates and updates this API document section automatically. Maybe this section is duplicated compared with previous sections.

[Interface summary]

Get a visibility value of this instance.


  • result: Boolean

    • If this instance is visible, this interface returns True.


>>> import apysc as ap
>>> stage: ap.Stage = ap.Stage()
>>> sprite: ap.Sprite = ap.Sprite()
>>> sprite.graphics.begin_fill(color=ap.Color("#0af"))
>>> rectangle: ap.Rectangle = sprite.graphics.draw_rect(
...     x=50, y=50, width=50, height=50
... )
>>> rectangle.visible = ap.Boolean(False)
>>> rectangle.visible