GraphicsBase rotation_around_point interfaces

This page explains the GraphicsBase class (base class of each graphic, such as the Rectangle) get_rotation_around_point and set_rotation_around_point method interfaces.

What interfaces are these?

The get_rotation_around_point method will return a rotation value around the given coordinates, and the set_rotation_around_point method will update a rotation value around the given coordinates.

These rotation values are relative, and each point has the rotation value. For example, the coordinates of the (x=50, y=50) and the other coordinates of the (x=100, y=100) have different rotation values.

Basic usage

The get_rotation_around_point method requires the x and y arguments and return a rotation value around the given coordinates. The set_rotation_around_point requires x, y and rotation arguments. All the arguments and return value are Int type.

The following example creates the two rectangles and rotates each rectangle in the timer handler. The first rectangle rotates around the top-left coordinates (x=50, y=50). Also, the second one rotates around the bottom-right coordinates (x=100, y=100).

from typing_extensions import TypedDict

import apysc as ap

class _RectanglesOptions(TypedDict):
    rectangle_1: ap.Rectangle
    rectangle_2: ap.Rectangle

def on_timer(e: ap.TimerEvent, options: _RectanglesOptions) -> None:
    The handler that the timer calls.

    e : ap.TimerEvent
        Event instance.
    options : dict
        Optional arguments dictionary.
    x: ap.Int = ap.Int(50)
    y: ap.Int = ap.Int(50)
    rectangle_1: ap.Rectangle = options["rectangle_1"]
    rotation: ap.Int = rectangle_1.get_rotation_around_point(x=x, y=y)
    rotation += 1
    rectangle_1.set_rotation_around_point(rotation=rotation, x=x, y=y)

    rectangle_2: ap.Rectangle = options["rectangle_2"]
    x = ap.Int(100)
    y = ap.Int(100)
    rotation = rectangle_2.get_rotation_around_point(x=x, y=y)
    rotation += 1
    rectangle_2.set_rotation_around_point(rotation=rotation, x=x, y=y)

sprite: ap.Sprite = ap.Sprite()"#0af"), alpha=0.5)

rectangle_1: ap.Rectangle =, y=50, width=50, height=50)
rectangle_2: ap.Rectangle =, y=50, width=50, height=50)

options: _RectanglesOptions = {"rectangle_1": rectangle_1, "rectangle_2": rectangle_2}
timer: ap.Timer = ap.Timer(on_timer, delay=ap.FPS.FPS_60, options=options)


get_rotation_around_point API

Note: the document build script generates and updates this API document section automatically. Maybe this section is duplicated compared with previous sections.

[Interface signature] get_rotation_around_point(self, *, x: apysc._type.number.Number, y: apysc._type.number.Number) ->

[Interface summary]

Get a rotation value around the given coordinates.


  • x: Number

    • X-coordinate.

  • y: Number

    • Y-coordinate.


  • rotation: Int

    • Rotation value around the given coordinates.


>>> import apysc as ap
>>> stage: ap.Stage = ap.Stage()
>>> sprite: ap.Sprite = ap.Sprite()
>>> rectangle: ap.Rectangle =
...     x=50, y=50, width=50, height=50
... )
>>> x: ap.Number = ap.Number(100)
>>> y: ap.Number = ap.Number(100)
>>> rectangle.set_rotation_around_point(rotation=ap.Int(45), x=x, y=y)
>>> rectangle.get_rotation_around_point(x=x, y=y)

set_rotation_around_point API

Note: the document build script generates and updates this API document section automatically. Maybe this section is duplicated compared with previous sections.

[Interface signature] set_rotation_around_point(self, *, rotation:, x: apysc._type.number.Number, y: apysc._type.number.Number) -> None

[Interface summary]

Update a rotation value around the given coordinates.


  • rotation: Int

    • Rotation value to set.

  • x: Number

    • X-coordinate.

  • y: Number

    • Y-coordinate.